Never had the roads been this worst.The condition gets even worse in the rainy season.The road that leads to Bangalore is better these days.The main roads of Chintamani,MG Road and Double Road, its really hard to spot the road.
Are you all wondering where did all the tax payers money go.
Just click on the link http://www.chintamanicity.gov.in/
People of Chintamani are hoping that in the year ahead the conditions of the roads will get better if not great.For now, their mantra is "Dont fault with the pothole road,with little effort you will spot the road".
Wish all the readers of ChintamaniCalling.blogspot.com a wonderfull and satisfying New year 2009.
Well, what do I say about the awful experience I had on these roads. I was coming to Cmy after a long time and hadn't imagined Cmy might change like this. How I wish the changes were for good (at least, I think they were not). I was visiting with a friend from Kerala along with others. En route, I made sure everybody had their ears full about my place, my college, the best snacks et al. It was all good until we entered the city. It would have been awesome off-roading if only we had a 4x4. Unfortunately we had Fiat Petra (O boy, i feel so sorry for him) for this task and he just barely managed. Not that the trip was all bad, but this road was such a highlight till date my friends haven't missed a chance to remind me of this (confess it is only when I try to brag. But I cant help, one of the most important phases in my life was spent here). Never mind, Cmy will have a special significance in my life, and I'm sure to come over when I am back.
Agree the previous one was more of a story than a comment, u are free to ignore it (not that u need my permission ;)).
People are spoting the roads now .sorry we are living in a democratic India .Difficult to take up progressive works ,people should understand the system ,one person cannot make things happen ,requires patience to do good in our country,hope things will improve and people appreciate the sincere efforts.
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