Happy Valentine's Day.The oldest valentine story known is Ramayana.
The rocks used to build the bridge to Lanka is at Kodandarama Temple,Azad Chowka, in Chintamani.Believe it!The rocks are for public view during Ramanavami celebrations during the month of April.Unfortunately these rocks are not in the safe hands.It was kept in a small stinking tank and couple of rocks are now missing.It is embarassing to mention that in Chintamani some religious bodies and political parties protested the proposed demolition of the 'Ram sethu' and turning blind eye on precious historic thing in close proximity. CC(Chintamani Calling) will take initiatives to bring this to the notice of concerned government department and protect this piece of Great Valentine story of Lord Ram and Sita.(The letters on the board is in kannada and the language used is Telugu,ofcourse not the typial Chintamani telugu). So, celebrating Valentine's Day at Chintamani gains significance and it is a safe heaven too.So Chintamaniacs, have fun.
Pictures by: Photo "Seen-a"