Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Arresting Anna Hazare, Absolutely Bizarre

Anna Hazare's arrest is a deplorable act of the Delhi Police and initiated by the central government. This is certainly a situation of anarchy in India. The holding up of a person , a Gandhian, who was peacefully crusading against corruption rises many questions on the integrity of the representatives of the government. Why are the ruling party representatives handling the situation so hastily? Do they think they will be at the helm of this government for ever? Will they not have to answer the people when they have to face the elections the next time? Have they forgotten it's the people who have elected them to represent their concerns?
The support for Anna Hazare and the Jan Lokpal Bill is overwhelming. The survey conducted by many agencies and the media clearly shows the public sentiment is with Anna Hazare.

The youth of Chintamani took out a peaceful rally in support of Anna Hazare and voiced their protest against the arrest of Anna Hazare and other members of the civil society. Few enthusiasts mobilised college students and briefed them about the nature of the grim situation that has been created by the government representatives. The college students and fellow citizens of Chintamani were able to bring awareness among the general public by their peace march.

Just a week back the English youth turned violent and looted many business establishments in England for the reasons best known to them.
Hats-off to the people of India who have organised strong protests in large numbers, especially the youth, and not even one violent act reported until now. Proud Indians, aren't we?