Thursday, August 4, 2011

Chintamani Incident:Scary and Disturbing.

The killing of the thieves ( TOI report )is the lash back of the villagers who are going through a bout of insecurity from the past few months. The whole incident  is a mockery of the constitution and the judiciary. But clearly this incident is the display of the frustration against the inaction by the concerned authorities and fear of the people from the threat from the anti-socials. The swift reaction of the villagers when a women was attacked and the way they organised themselves to comb for the culprits in the nearby villages is astonishing. Thanks to the cellphone marketers.  However, what followed is an unwarranted incident. The villagers who disregarded the law of the land obviously did not have faith in the judiciary. The rampant incidents of dacoities and robberies are mostly a handy work of repeated offenders. The victims are from Andhra Pradesh and the preliminary investigations reveal that they all have the track record of infusing crime in Ananthapur District. The men in the surrounding villages have fled from homes fearing police arrests. From the past few months the women in the villages around Chintamani were scared to work in the fields because the culprits targeted women and snatched their ornaments causing injury. The strangers are watched suspiciously.

The situation is not different in Chintamani town either. The chain snatching, robberies, and conning has become the order of the day. There is no respite for the common people from the thieves. This is not at all an exaggeration. It is rumored that there are a few more of such gangs who are creating havoc and disturbing the society. The thieves are having a field day despite people becoming more vigilant. If the government doesn't put a brake to the increasing crime rate, there will be more 'Chintamanisation' acts everywhere. And such incidents are causing a big dent to the image of our beloved town.