Saturday, September 18, 2010

A peacefull rally: hope they got the message.

The protest rally against  Metro Cash & Carry went off peacefully. The members of Chintamani Distributors Association and Chintamani Merchants Association walked through the main roads of  the town starting from Azad Chowka at 10:45am, and submitted the memorandum at the Tahasildar's office at 12noon. The office of the Tahasildar promised to take up the arising problem out of Metro's new business strategy and put forth the same over the tables of  the higher officers.  Both the associations warned that they might have to protest  intensely involving  other organisations like  Electrical Establishments, Bar Association, Footwear Traders Association, Fruit & Vegetable Merchants, Consumer Durables Dealers etc. to drive back The  Metro for good. The government should take steps to stop this menace called Metro to safe guard the interests of thousands of Indian families, they demanded.
Well meant are the wounds a friend inflicts, but profuse are the kisses of an enemy.

The positives, they said, out of the rally is that the public became aware of the ulterior motives of Metro Cash & Carry and has also united various business organisations. This will definitely help them solve few common problems they face in the day to day business affairs.