Sunday, April 24, 2011

MLA's Hunger Strike Demanding Solution for Water Woes.

 The indefinite hunger strike demanding the state government to provide sufficient potable water to Chintamani taluk continued for the 4th day. Leading this campaign is our MLA Dr M.C. Sudhakar, and his vast followers, who are also on hunger strike are supporting him in this genuine cause.MLA Dr Sudhakar said, " It's high time we draw the governments focus on our taluk's water scarcity. It's not just the drinking water of the people, Chintamani taluk being one of the highest producers of milk, it has become hard for the farmers to give their cattle it's bare necessity which is water." Speaking elaborately on the existing water problem, he said " The ground water level has reached below 800ft in most of the 40 villages in the taluk, rising the cost of digging the new bore wells and installation of powerfull pumpsets, which is required, will further jack-up the costs of its execution. The existing borewells do not have pumpsets. Its like having a bus without a driver. And, the short supplies of electricity add-up to the hardships of the farmers. The state government has turned a blind eye on Chintamani's water woes".

According to 2011 senses, Chintamani Taluk has 2.98 lac population and the town's population is 85ooo. He said, " A person needs a minimum of 55 lpcd ( litre per capita day)of water and a cow needs atleast 30-40 ltrs of water per day, and Chintamani taluk has a 65000 cattle. The problem is twofold for the farmers who are depending on the cattle for their daily bread, and ofcourse butter ".

Dr. Sudhakar is clear in his demands. He has drawn the focus of the government on the water scarcity of Chintamani. He and his supporters who are fasting have put-up a brave front continuing their strike for the 4th day, and now, they want nothing less than an immediate release of sufficient funds for taking-up the projects to improve the water supplies.
Most of the head waters and upper streams have been destroyed and, therefore, hydrological systems in rivers and lakes around  have gradually collapsed. Evaporation is higher than precipitation. These pressing issues are generally marginalised by policymakers, especially at the state levels.

This also has brought some awareness about   water conservation   among the residents of Chintamani.

CC wishes this campaign for Chintamani a great success.

Water Conservation Slogans: Read-On, it's good.

1. 4 minute shower, not a quarter hour!
2. Be Water Wise
3. C'mon guys, get water-wise
4. conserve water and conserve life!!!!
5. Conserve water, our life's on the brink!
6. Don't Waste it just Taste it!!!!
7. Fresh water is 0.002% on earth
8. No water running while you brush your teeth
9. Only wash a full load!
10. Prohibit the Drip.
11. Put a Stop - to the Drop.
12. Rainwater tank, won't break the bank.
13. Save it before you need it.
14. Save water ... It doesn't grow on trees.
15. Save water ... It's not just a drop in the bucket.
16. Save water and save the earth
17. Save water drink beer
18. Save water it will save you later!
19. Save water! save life!
20. Save water, secure the future!
21. Save water, shower with a friend.
22. save water, shower with a friend.
23. Save yourself! Save water!
24. Stop the drop
25. Sweep the drive with a broom, not a hose
26. Switch to Water Wise Gardening
27. Tap the Tap.
28. Think outside the sink
29. Today's rain water is tomorrow's life saver!
30. Wash the car with a bucket, not a hose
31. Waste water today - Live in a desert tomorrow
32. Water is life! save water, save life!!
33. Water is our friend
34. Water water everywhere, not a drop to drink!
35. Save water! Collect the whole set!
36. If its brown flush it down, if its yellow let it mellow