Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Should we call it a municipal anarchy?

It's been six months(March 7th,2013) since the municipal elections were held, and the results were out on March 11th, and now it all seem has dipped to hollowness. The formation process of the municipal cabinet is tangled in a court case. The victory the citizens handed over to the candidates is not a laurel for them to take home. It's a responsibility!!
 The candidates from various political parties had filed their nominations with much fanfare and hoopla. The residents of Chintamani turned out to the polling booths with all faith of giving good mandate. The winning candidates also celebrated with a bash and displayed lots of enthusiasm for  delivering good governance. But..., six months have gone by and there has not been even a single meeting of municipal councilors. This clearly is a mockery of our system and disregard for all the voters of Chintamani.
The formation of the municipal cabinet is a primary exercise of the municipality for the progress of the town. The councilors bring in their ideas for development in the council meeting and also can attend to the problems of the citizens with better knowledge. The municipal cabinet helps putting a firm footing in the relationship between the state government and the local administration. The decision of sharing revenues/funds on various projects can't be taken properly and hence the development will take a back seat.  Hope the concerned authorities will immediately fill in the void in the local body.