Sunday, January 12, 2014

'Sahasradeepa', - The Torch-Bearers of Change

A vacation is the time to freak out and have fun. It's the time to revel in various activities. Here is an organisation, 'SAHASRADEEPA'  of young boys and girls who have a flair for social activities. They get a kick out of their participation in socially relevant  deeds. They think they have a responsibility to contribute to the society, or a sense of obligation to give back to the town they love. They do not think they have to get elected to take up a social cause. (Ironically, our elected municipal representatives are still resting on their laurels of election victory  since10 months click here).  The robust team includes Shashank Reddy, Prashanth Reddy, Sanjay M, Govardhan, Varun Reddy, Sajjad Ali, Anil, Sree Vani, Lakshmi P, Lakshmi Segu, Meghana, Deeksha M, Shwetha, Revathi, Anusha, Brinda Reddy, Jahnavi, Ashwini, Rashmi, Sanjay, Girish R.V, Praveen, Gouthami, Varun T.R  etc., Chintamani Calling congratulates them. They inspire!
These young people under the activity called 'VIDYADEEPA' visit the government schools and they share their knowledge with the little ones. They carry laptops and show the kids some interesting pictures that'll induce the thirst for knowledge in the little minds. The co-ordination between these volunteers during the activity is impeccable and the caring attitude of the volunteers is effectual.
Under 'PARISARADEEPA', on Jan 12th,  they chose to clean-up the plastic mess on the route to the hill top of ' Kannampalli Betta'. The empty snack packets and the water packets were strewn all around by visitors. And more recently some people had "religiously" generated a considerable heap of contamination. The volunteers picked up all the mess in the bags given by the municipal office and was loaded to the municipality tractor. Restoring the natural beauty of the hill has been accomplished. Now these young people plan to replicate the activity in the centre of the town to bring about awareness among the general public of Chintamani. Let this socially inclined tribe grow!