Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dream "Chokka Chintamani"

"Chokka Chintamani" is an initiative by RAGE(Radiant Activists for Great Environment)
for bringing about the awareness in general public, the street hawkers and the shop keepers of the Double Road in Chintamani. RAGE plans to distribute the pictures and register them to this goal, and also put up hoardings to enroll people for this cause called "CHOKKA CHINTAMANI".The picture is created by Kishore Kumar(a chintamaniac) of Ashish Graphics, Bangalore. The picture helps even a common man to easily visualise  a very clean Chintamani. RAGE believes that "A dream can drive us to the destiny". This idea was presented to MLA Dr M.C.Sudhakar. The young leader shared passionately his plans and projects of making Chintamani a better place. It is already reflecting in lots of public works that are happening in the town.