Tuesday, October 27, 2009


The acute shortage of electricity has affected Chintamani severely.The Ramnagar(near chintamaniBESCOM substation which supports 26 KV stations  requires 135MW of electricity is now receiving just 30MW.Chintamani town requires 8MW, but it is receiving a mere 0.5 MW.The industries which  totally depends on electricity are hit hard by the inefficient governance. The farmers are unable to take proper care of their crops because they hardly get  power supplies.When every area of life  is improving and seeing progress, this (electric supplies) is one area where we are way far behind. Looks like we are heading back to the stone age.The projects has to be taken in war-footing and some bold decisions has to be made. The big cities are wasting electricity in the name of urbanisation. All electric advertising boards and decorative lighting has to be banned all over the state.Unless  the government takes such steps there is no respite for the people living in the rural areas of the state. A unit saved is equal to two units generated.

The elite in the urban cities point at the farmers getting free power and also at the power thefts for irrigation purposes, overlooking the organised and rampant industrial power thefts which amounts to crores of rupees.
CC  is in black -in protest against BESCOM. We  know the readers are with CC.