Sunday, November 28, 2010

The New Railway Station Waits For The Train to Arrive.

The construction of the new railway station is underway and it is nearing completion. The new building has ticket counters, toilets, shop space and waiting area. This new railway station is built adjacent to the old railway station.

The proposed Bangalore-Cudapah train will pass through this station. The train will help reduce the road traffic and will certainly help the people who commute frequently. How far it is going to be usefull is to be seen?  The laying of the rails is  still pending and  looks like it could take couple of years for everything to fall in place. The approach roads to the railway station is the only glitch. The residents of the town have to sneak through the narrow lanes of Doddapete and Agrahaara to reach the railway station. This surely  will become  a new problem that has to be fore-thought and has to be fixed.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A comment that's worth taking note.Thanks to our readers.

Dear friends,

Following is the comment posted by Mr Ashok. This seemed to be a well thought out comment. CC considers it is worth  ponder over it.

Thank You.