Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Celebrating Environment Day in a Befitting Way!!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The next best time is now.  ~Chinese Proverb.
In India there is an absolute necessary of growing sustainable forests. People in large number still use firewood for cooking purpose, and the industrial growth is also contributing to the fast diminishing green lands. And, the diminutive presence of re-cycling systems in India is not helping  either, unlike the recycling systems in the developed countries(link). Every school going child is aware of the advantages of planting trees(link). But in the fast paced life of modern day living the society has ignored to protect the world for the future well-being.

Chintamani has always been in the forefront for nurturing green patches in and around Chintamani. The town municipal corporation has done a commendable job in planting and protecting the trees from various perils. Mr. Ramegowda, the municipal commissioner, has taken many steps to  beautify the roads by planting trees.

On June 5th, on the world environment day, the municipal corporation under the leadership of MLA M.C. Sudhakar, has planned to take a huge leap towards making Chintamani a garden town. The Municipal corporation has planned to plant 50000 plants of various types  including the ornamental trees on the side-walks of the streets. The program "Nanna Chintamani- Hasiru Chintamani" will kick-off in a big way on Tuesday the 5th June and will be completed in phases with in three months.Many organisations, educational institutions, NGOs, the forest department, environment enthusiasts and many individuals(Chintamaniacs) have joined hands with the municipal administrators to precisely plan to make this event a huge success. This is an admirable gesture of involving various groups and common citizens. All thanks to the keen interest shown by MLA M.C.Sudhakar. The citizen-governance team has identified several places to plant the trees. The team is also organising an awareness campaign to reach out to the lay man who is ignorant of the importance of protecting the trees. This program needs more and more volunteers for the mission to be accomplished.

Come join in to celebrate this environment day in a great and befitting way.
Those willing to participate may contact Mr. Murali(Sukh Sagar) : 99003 11778 Mr Jayanth: 903665 00355 Mr Ravi: 99002 50113 Gurunath 98456 96090. Volunteers are requested to assemble at the town municipal office before 7:30 am on Tuesday.