Monday, April 29, 2013


The moment the election date was announced there was a frantic activity to obtain party tickets by prospective candidates.There was also talks that the big national parties issued tickets in return of crores of rupees. Now, in the run up to the assembly elections the candidates have been hand tied during campaigning. Thanks to the strict monitoring by The Election Commission of India, an autonomous body. There's no too much of sound polluting loud-speakers, and there's no nuisance of posters and huge banners. Kudos to the Karnataka State Election Commission!!
Despite their efforts few political parties try to lure the voters offering them money and gifts. The prospective candidates donate huge sums to the communities and associations to obtain their 'blessings'. Liquor also plays an important role in the run up to the elections.

The declining voter turnout is a cause of concern. For example, during the municipal elections in Chintamani only 55% of the eligible voters came to the polling booths, after all the wooing by various political parties. There's a threat of non-voters becoming a majority, a slap on the face of a democracy. 
The worry is, the educated refraining from casting their votes.  The Election Commission is spending huge sums on a campaign to educate the so called educated about the importance of voting or the problems of them not voting. What an apathy!! All the government departments and banks have been instructed to initiate activities that could increase voter turnout. The sales tax department have requested all the business establishments to put a seal on all the bills generated reminding the citizens their primary duty. The Chintamani FMCG Distributors association and the Merchants Association of Chintamani have jointly put placards at all the shops to help the cause. Hope all the efforts by the government and various organisations fetches results, and if we see atleast 75% of the voting population taking part in the poll process that could be a victory of sorts.
A considerable number of people from Chintamani work and reside in Bangalore. It's time for the educated to unite and do the due! Here's an appeal to all those ambassadors of Chintamani, cast your vote this weekend. Kindly dedicate the Sunday 5-5-2013 for Chintamani. 

Kindly vote!! Chintamani needs you!!
Chintamani Calling!!