Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Notice issued for ban on plastic.

Continuing their effort to beautify the roads of Chintamani, the municipality has sent notices to all the shops to get rid of their stocks of plastic covers or bags, plastic cups and plates etc, with in 30.09.2010, and the people who  fail to do so will have to face penalties. The municipality has issued this order keeping in view the littering on streets and the plastic contributing to this mess to a large extent. They have also mentioned the harm caused to the environment due to the mindless way of its usage. This cleanliness drive taken by the governing body of Chintamani is laudable. They should also take steps to bring about awareness on the same issue among the general public.

Nothing moves without someones initiative. Look around you, everything that your eyes see is the by-product of someones initiative. Benjamin Franklin, initiated the growth of modern America. In the last parts of the11th chapter( click here for 11th chapter ) of his autobiography he has dealt in detail of how he planned to keep the pavements clean.  CC strongly recommends his autobiography as a must read for all and a great guide especially for the people involved in governance. 

It's every one's duty to keep it clean

This will only help if people dispose things sensibly

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